Enhancing Wireless Connectivity: Technimove’s Wireless Surveys and Health Assessments Packaged Services

Seamless wireless connectivity is critical for business success. As market leaders with over 25 years of experience, Technimove understands the necessity of reliable wireless networks.

To address this growing need, Technimove introduces its new packaged service for Wireless Surveys and Health Assessments, offering tailored, expert solutions to ensure optimal wireless performance and reliability.


The Importance of Wireless Surveys

The increasing demands of digital transformation necessitate robust wireless networks that can handle high productivity and seamless connectivity. Technimove’s Wireless Surveys and Health Assessments are designed to meet these needs by providing comprehensive evaluations of wireless networks, pinpointing areas for improvement, and offering solutions to enhance overall performance.


Key Benefits of Wi-Fi Surveys

Wi-Fi surveys are essential for identifying and addressing areas of poor signal strength or dead zones. These surveys help improve the performance and reliability of wireless networks, resulting in faster speeds and better connectivity.

By eliminating weak spots, businesses can ensure that their wireless networks are robust and capable of supporting high-demand applications.

Moreover, enhanced wireless services provide increased mobility and flexibility, allowing employees to connect to the internet from anywhere within the coverage area. This connectivity boost significantly improves productivity and collaboration among team members, as they can access vital resources and communicate effortlessly across different locations within the business premises.

“On average, employees lose 44 minutes every week due to poor broadband speeds and connectivity. So, every year your business is actually losing a week’s worth of work (38 hours) per employee, all because of a poor internet connection” – OnePoll


Technimove’s Comprehensive Package Offerings

Technimove’s Wireless Surveys and Health Assessments offer expert analysis and clear recommendations tailored to optimize wireless configurations. These services eliminate dead zones and future-proof investments, ensuring scalability and reliability.

The assessments are conducted by highly accredited networking professionals who are equipped to meet the evolving needs of businesses, providing robust, high-performance wireless infrastructures.


Predictive Survey

The Predictive Survey is a remote service that uses advanced software algorithms to suggest the optimal placement of access points based on accurate, scaled floorplans. This method does not require a physical survey, making it a quick and efficient solution for estimating signal strength and coverage.

By leveraging sophisticated survey tools, businesses can gain insights into the expected performance of their wireless network before any physical installation takes place.

Greenfield Survey

The Greenfield Survey involves an onsite visit where a specialist mounts a suitable access point on specific equipment and walks around the building to capture the existing RF environment. This survey provides detailed information about signal strength, coverage, and interference levels of a new wireless solution.

By thoroughly analysing the physical site, Technimove ensures that the placement of access points is optimised for maximum coverage and performance.


Validation Survey

The Validation Survey is an onsite evaluation that examines the existing wireless spectrum and its interaction with the physical site and floor layout. This survey identifies signal coverage, noise, interference, and overall wireless network health.

By using criteria defined within a survey questionnaire, Technimove can determine the effectiveness of existing solutions and validate new service provisions based on industry best practices and benchmarks.


Troubleshooting Survey

For businesses experiencing specific wireless issues, the Troubleshooting Survey provides targeted recommendations. This onsite survey focuses on particular areas with performance disruptions or connectivity problems, such as offices or meeting rooms.

While it does not include software configuration assessments, it offers valuable insights into the affected area’s wireless environment, helping businesses address and resolve issues efficiently.


Healthcheck Survey

The Healthcheck Survey is the most comprehensive service, combining the Validation Survey with an assessment of wireless controller and access point software configurations. This onsite evaluation determines the overall health of the wireless network, highlighting any necessary modifications to increase performance and reliability.

By offering a thorough analysis of both hardware and software, Technimove ensures that businesses receive a holistic view of their wireless infrastructure’s health and functionality.


Why Choose Technimove?

Technimove’s Wireless Surveys and Health Assessments stand out due to their tailored approach and expert execution. With a range of solution options designed to suit different location sizes and backed by a team of highly skilled networking professionals, Technimove can address the unique challenges of any business.

Our services not only optimise current configurations but also future-proof wireless investments, ensuring that businesses can scale their networks as needed without compromising performance.

As businesses continue to navigate the demands of digital transformation, having a reliable and robust wireless network is more important than ever.

Technimove’s new packaged services for Wireless Surveys and Health Assessments provide the expertise and solutions necessary to ensure seamless connectivity, enhanced productivity, and future-ready wireless infrastructures.

By choosing Technimove, businesses can confidently meet the escalating demands of modern wireless communication, driving success and growth in a connected world.


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