Meet the Team – Rachael Carragher: From Navy to Cybersecurity and the Role of Empowering Women

In the past year, Technimove has welcomed Rachael Carragher as a Pre-Sales Specialist, marking another forward step in the company’s commitment to increasing the presence of women in tech.  


As the business grows its workforce and better serves its diverse client base, Rachael’s journey from the Navy to cybersecurity is a story of resilience and adaptability.


Marketing Manager Dave Phillips sat down with Rachael to discuss her inspiring path, highlighting the vital role of empowering women in the industry.


The Journey Begins

Rachael Carragher’s journey into the tech industry is a testament to the diverse pathways any person can take to arrive at a fulfilling career in cybersecurity. Her story is not a straight line; rather, it weaves through various experiences that collectively shaped her into the professional she is today.


Early Interests and Education

Rachael’s initial foray into technology started in school with subjects like Law, English, and Film Studies. These courses sparked her interest in the technical aspects of media, leading her to a creative media production course in college.


Here, she explored animation, filming, graphics, and photography. “I loved being on computers, trying different things out, manipulating pictures and films,” she reminisces. Her passion for technology was ignited by the creative process, laying a foundation for her future.


A Detour to the Navy

While many of her peers chose the university route, Rachael embarked on a different path after seeing some of her friends’ lifestyle. “I realised the Navy was my calling; I yearned for independence to explore the world on my terms. Joining the Navy meant fulfilling my desire for adventure and service. Plus, I couldn’t escape the sight of Pot Noodles in those university digs.”


The prospect of traveling the world and experiencing diverse cultures led her to join the Navy at the age of 19. “There was a two-year wait after I applied, so I got a job in the meantime,” she explains. Her decision to join the Navy was driven by a desire for adventure and the appeal of a varied, dynamic lifestyle.


In the Navy, Rachael’s role encompassed surface, underwater and above water warfare, where she handled everything from radio communications to cybersecurity operations (after some mandatory rifle training, machine gun and man-overboard sessions!).


The technical nature of her job in the operations room was akin to cyber security, involving complex systems and encryption.


“It’s obviously not an Apple Mac, but you’ve got four computer screens, with various elements of tactical information that you have to manage. We have an encrypted language that is used communicate with to other friendly ships, this is to ensure we are not compromised” she says, highlighting the intricate and technical environment she thrived in.


Building Confidence and Leadership

The military environment also played a significant role in shaping Rachael’s confidence and leadership skills. Despite being one of the few women in her field, she learnt to assert herself and gain the trust of her predominantly male colleagues.


“Maintaining a consistent work ethic while bringing diversity and uniqueness to my team was a strength in itself. This is what earns trust and respect in the workplace, regardless of gender.” she notes. This experience was crucial in building her self-belief and resilience, qualities that would serve her well in her later career.


Leadership training in the Navy was rigorous and demanding. “You have to become more qualified and go on courses that make you a better leader,” she explains. This involved dealing with challenging tasks, often under sleep deprivation and simulated hostile conditions “there was an element of if stand in your ground – but in the right way – then you would be more respected, especially being in the minority, as the Navy was only around nine percent women during my time”.


Such experiences honed her ability to lead under pressure and think on her feet, preparing her for the fast-paced world of tech.


Facing the Challenge: A Navy Story

Rachael recalls a defining moment during her Navy deployment, illustrating the complexities of modern warfare. “There was a time,” she begins, “when we encountered a serious threat from another country—an enemy aircraft attempting to breach our perimeter using electronic countermeasures.”


Assigned to the operation rooms, Rachael describes how the situation escalated quickly, prompting swift defensive actions. “We deployed our jets and helicopters, with our task force engaging and issuing warnings to the enemy,” she recounts.


“It was about adapting and strategising swiftly, drawing from our training and technology to fend off the threat and protect the fleet.” Reflecting on such encounters, she acknowledges the mix of intensity and excitement: “You have to maintain composure outwardly, but inside, your heart might be racing.” Rachael emphasises the importance of post-action debriefs to refine strategies for future operations.

Transitioning to Cybersecurity

After nearly eight years in the Navy, Rachael decided to pivot to a career in cybersecurity. The transition was not without its challenges. An injury from rugby necessitated her departure from the Navy, but she had already begun considering other career prospects. “I love tech, I love being on computers, and I like helping people,” she says, explaining how these passions directed her towards cybersecurity.


The move to cybersecurity was facilitated by organisations like TechVets, which helps service leavers transition into technical roles. Through networking and free training webinars, Rachael secured a pre-sales position in a previous company, which was a perfect blend of her interests in technology and helping people.


“Pre-sales is a really good stepping stone. You’re helping people, talking to new and exciting customers every day, and staying on top of tech,” she explains.


Empowering Women in Tech

Rachael’s perspective on women in tech is both insightful and encouraging, rooted in her unique experiences in the Navy and her transition into cybersecurity. She acknowledges that while there are still fewer women in tech than she would like, there is a visible effort within companies like Technimove to bring more women into the fold.


Rachael is actively involved in groups and networks that support women in technology, attending expos and engaging in discussions about advancements and opportunities in the field.


She believes that the days of the “boys’ club” office environment are largely behind us, with modern workplaces increasingly valuing diversity and inclusion. Rachael emphasises the importance of representation and the positive impact it has, noting that “there is a lot of progress being made, but there’s still work to be done.”


She highlights that woman like herself, who hold significant positions in tech, can inspire and pave the way for others. Rachael champions the idea that women should feel confident in their abilities and encouraged to pursue careers in tech, contributing their unique perspectives and strengths to an ever-evolving industry.


Advice for Aspiring Tech Professionals

Rachael’s story is a beacon for those contemplating a career shift or entering the tech field. Her advice is delivered with assurance: “Everyone brings a unique perspective to the work industry. Don’t self-doubt. If there’s something you want to do, go for it.”


She emphasises the importance of networking, seeking mentorship, and gaining practical experience. Her journey underscores that the path to success in tech is not always conventional but is attainable with determination and support.


Embracing Change in Cybersecurity

In her current role, Rachael has witnessed significant changes in the cybersecurity landscape. “Even from being in the military, there have been so many changes,” she notes. The rapid advancement of technologies like AI and the constant evolution of cyber threats need continual learning and adaptation.


“It’s the battle of the hackers versus security. Unless we all blast off into space, it’s never going to stop” she jokes, whilst still underscoring the ever-evolving nature of the industry.


Rachael finds fulfilment in the dynamic and impactful nature of her work. “The industry is ever-growing, and that’s another reason I picked cybersecurity. You are set for life as long as you keep learning and exploring,” she says.


A Message for Aspiring Cybersecurity Professionals

Rachael’s journey from the Navy to a career in cybersecurity is an inspiring testament to resilience and adaptability. She believes in the limitless possibilities within the field.


“A cybersecurity journey can be as dynamic or as impactful as you want it to be. Embrace it, use your passion and determination, and you can have a rewarding career that gives you a lot of purpose,” she advises. Her story serves as a guiding light for anyone looking to embark on their own cybersecurity journey.


And as for any parting words from Rachael… ‘What else? I do love my dog. Can we put that in there?!’


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